
Issue 1: Term 1, 2014

On behalf of His Beatitude Mar Meelis Zaia, I would like to welcome you back to another year at St. Narsai Assyrian Christian College.

Issue 15: Term 4, 2013

On Friday 8th November, all of Year 8 along with Ms Nona, Ms Theodorou and Ms Isaac headed off on an excursion to Calmsley Hill City Farm in Abbotsbury.

Issue 13: Term 4, 2013

As this is our first newsletter for Term 4 of. this school year, I wish to welcome you and all students and our Teachers and staff back to the College.

Issue 12: Term 3, 2013

Last Night (Thursday 19th September) was our year 12 students graduation Night, Congratulations to the students and their parents for this great achievement.

Issue 11: Term 3, 2013

We are currently in the process of finalising the selection of the student leadership team for 2014. As usual, there are a number of outstanding candidates for these positions.

Issue 10: Term 3, 2013

In Term 3, Year 8 spent a delightful day in Darlinghurst at the Sydney Jewish Museum. Students in these particular classes were looking at specific holocaust texts.