On behalf of the Assyrian Schools Board, it is my pleasure to announce the appointment of Mr Edwar Dinkha as the new Head of St Narsai Assyrian Christian College. Mr Dinkha has been appointed for an initial term of 12 months.
Mr Dinkha has served as the Deputy Principal of St Narsai for the last 8 years. Prior to this Mr Dinkha had extensive experience as a Head of Faculty, Coordinator of Assessment and Planning and teacher of TAS in various schools within NSW, New Zealand and Iraq.
Mr Dinkha holds a Masters of Education (Honours) from the University of Waikato, New Zealand, a Diploma in Technology, Massey University, NZ and a Diploma of Teaching, Auckland College of Education, NZ. In addition over the last 6 years Mr Dinkha has undertaken extensive professional development in a variety of areas especially those related to School Improvement.
As we await eagerly for the start of the 2018 school year in our wonderful new school, Mr Dinkha’s considerable knowledge and experience will serve us well. This is an exciting time for Mr Dinkha to be leading the school at such a significant time in our relatively short history.
I take this opportunity on behalf of the Assyrian Schools Community to congratulate Edwar on this appointment.
Brian Kennelly
Head Principal Assyrian Schools