Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care

We are dedicated to educational excellence, encouraging students to reach their full potential in a nurturing environment to help them become productive Australian citizens reflecting the Christian faith of the Assyrian Church of the East, Assyrian Language and Assyrian culture.
The College takes seriously its responsibility to identify, nurture, and develop each student’s talents.
For our College to be able to do this successfully, students need to know that they are always respected and supported.
College staff work together to meet the pastoral care needs of students. Pastoral Care teachers, supported by Year Coordinators are able to support students through daily interactions and regular dialogue.

Empowering and connecting students through a holistic approach to education

St. Narsai Assyrian Christian College ensures the wellbeing of our students by making sure the environment they are surrounded in is organised, safe and secure, where positive and good learning can take place.
Pastoral Care at St. Narsai Assyrian Christian College is the concern that the College has for each individual to develop academically, socially and spiritually. It is reflected in the Christian ethos of the community and individuals caring for and respecting each other. It includes a structure where teachers and other professionals are responsible for the spiritual and emotional wellbeing of all.

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Pastoral Care Programs & Initiatives

St Narsai Assyrian Christian College’s Pastoral Care Program caters to every stage in the life of our students. At every year level, a special program is fully integrated throughout the school to ensure holistic and complete support for each student.
Pastoral Care also teaches students how to build respectful and meaningful relationships. Initiatives such as our Restorative Justice Program enable students to restore broken friendships and mature into respected and respectful young citizens.
Our students set goals for their learning, as well as for their mental, spiritual, physical and emotional wellbeing. St. Narsai’s Year Coordinators, together with our Pastoral Carers, strive to ensure that all students feel safe and supported as they work towards their educational and personal goals.

St. Narsai Assyrian Christian College is involved in several Pastoral Care initiatives and programs to enable students to feel a sense of belonging. These initiatives include:

  • Yearly College Camps for selected cohorts
  • Peer Support Program
  • Student Wellbeing Leaders
  • House-based competitions – School Sports Carnivals, recognition of academic achievements and College expectations
  • Secondary School Transition Program
  • Peer Mentor Program
  • School Clubs
  • Community initiatives – Anti Bullying Workshops, Mental Health, Resilience Programs and more
  • Student Voice Program
  • Student Breakfast with the Principal
  • Morning Drop-in Study Centre
  • Prayer Box
  • Spiritual Picnic Days for every year group
  • Mental Health Workshops