Issue 9: Term 4, 2021

Category: 2021

Issue 9: Term 4, 2021

It was wonderful to welcome our Year 12 2021 and Year 12 2022 back to school this Monday. Students were very happy to catch up with each other and with...

Issue 7: Term 3, 2021

No doubt we are all tired of the current lockdown and the associated, albeit necessary restrictions. However, we remain hopeful that things will get better in NSW, and we look...

Issue 6: Term 2, 2021

The College has been collaborating with an external provider to upgrade its website and I am pleased to report that we are getting close to launching the new website soon.

Issue 5: Term 2, 2021

Congratulations to His Grace Mar Benyamin Elya for last Sunday’s grand opening of the new St. Abdisho Assyrian Centre on the St Abdisho Church site in Melbourne.

Issue 4: Term 2, 2021

Welcome back to term two and I pray you had a restful Easter. Term two is known for being a very busy time for everyone as students and teachers prepare...

Issue 3: Term 1, 2021

As we transition into the Holy Week next week from Palm Sunday and ending with Easter Sunday on the 4th of April, I take this opportunity to wish all members...

Issue 2: Term 1, 2021

Congratulations and well done to all students and staff for taking part in this year’s Swimming Carnival that was held last Friday at the Prairiewood Leisure Centre.

Issue 1: Term 1, 2021

I would like to welcome back all our existing families and extend a special welcome to our new families and students from Year 7 and other years.